Viking Classic Registration
26th Annual
Viking Classic Marching Band Festival
Cameron, NC
Saturday, October 27, 2018
$75.00 registration fee per band.
Make checks payable to Union Pines Marching Vikings.
Deadline for registration is Friday, October 19, 2018.
Registration will be limited to the first 20 bands.
Order of performance will be determined by postmark.
Playing members include sideline and field percussion
Novice Class (call for information)
Class A (0 - 48 playing members)
Class AA (49 – 64 playing members)
Class AAA (65 – 85 playing members)
Class AAAA (86 + playing members)
Class determinations may be altered slightly to ensure balanced and equitable competition for all bands.
Superior------------------80 to 100 points
Excellent-----------------60 to 79.9 points
Average------------------40 to 59.9 points
Our panel comes from selected directors, college professors and marching experts from various areas.
Music Performance 40%
Marching & Maneuvering 30%
General Effect 30%
1st – 2nd – 3rd place band in each class
1st – 2nd place Visual Ensemble, Percussion,
Drum Majors and Music in each class
Grand Champion, Runner-Up Grand Champion, and People’s Choice
For more information contact Rob Hill
910-947-5511 (school)
910-690-3789 (cell)
910-947-5117 (fax) (e-mail)